My Story

Jesse Collins

Owner/Head Trainer

B. Kin, M.S.R.S., CSCS, FRA, FRCms

My fitness journey started at an extremely young age with the introduction to numerous sports as a youth. As I got older my focus narrowed to the sport of football, which I went on to play at the collegiate level. During my collegiate playing career, I endured 4 serious injuries that required surgery. Subsequently, I went through years of rehabilitation during the pursuit of returning to the sport I loved. During the rehabilitation process, I studied and experimented with numerous rehabilitation methodologies and procedures which was the beginning of a process that led me to question the traditional method of athletic training and development. 

After Full Knee Reconstruction – ACL, MCL, and Lateral Meniscus Repair, With Microfracturing of Lateral Femoral Condyle

Throughout this time, I continued to advance my education by obtaining an Honours B. Kin degree from Wilfrid Laurier University, and a M.S.R.S. degree from Ohio University. While in Ohio, I taught strength classes, while also working with athletes from numerous different sports. The pursuit of knowledge didn’t stop there, upon returning to Ontario, I continued to build upon my educational background with countless certifications, seminars and communications with top-level strength coaches around the world. I have now been training clients for over a decade, including countless professional athletes from many different sports.

Through the culmination of numerous training methodologies, I have developed a systematic process of obtaining optimal performance. While the process may not align with many traditional methods of strength training and rehabilitation, the results speak for themselves. With that being said, my goal is to challenge the traditional method of training with a new strategy that puts a larger emphasis on mobility, sports specificity, and the biomechanics of optimal movement.